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Religion and Theology: ATLA Scripture Search

Resources to guide you through the research process in the area of religion and theology

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ATLA Scripture Search

How to search:

1. Access the ATLA Religion database using the link above

2.  Select INDEXES from the menu bar.  The Scriptures link is also helpful, but you will return more specific results by selecting INDEXES.

Indexes in banner image


3. Under the "Browse an Index" option, select BIBLE CITATION.

4. In the "Browse for" box, type in your Bible book and chapter (don't enter verse number(s) at this time)


5. Click on the Search button

6. Select all options that contain your Chapter and Verse number(s).  There may be several.  Don't forget to select the "NEXT" button at the bottom of the page to browse for addition options.

7.  After selecting all options that apply to your verse number(s), click on the ADD button.


8.  Then click on SEARCH again.

9.  Articles with a FULL-TEXT PDF option can be read, printed, and downloaded immediately.  Articles with Find it at White Library may be available in another White Library database.  Selecting Find it at White Library may also provide a "Get this for me!" button to request a copy through Interlibrary Loan.

10.  TIP: Look for the REFINE RESULTS option usually located on the left side of the screen.  Select LANGUAGE and limit to English.

11. TIP: Don't forget to use the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen to see more articles in your search results.